BEIJIN, at great wallB
august 2002
English Papers
Relationships between birational invariants \omega and \sigma of algebraic plane curves , Ver 174, released on 2011/4/13
Mixed pluricanonical maps and minimal DB pairs
On logarithmic plurigenera of algebraic plane curves (4th ver.)
On birational invariants A and \Omega of algebraic plane curves,Ver 2 <; Ver 25, released on 2011/4/12
On nonsingular algebraic plane curves
On the nonbirational invariant e of algebraic plane curves; Ver 7, released on 2010/2/22
Lecture on the nonbirational invariant e of algebraic plane curves, released on 2010/3/11
Kodaira dimension and mixedplurigenera of algebraic varieties ;(New) releaed on 2013/9/8
Iitaka's PAGES in Japanese